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Bath time!

Children love taking baths. It's relaxing, and they can also play.


Before the bath, you can make some preparations :

  • Warm up the room from 20 to 22°C.

  • Prepare everything you need to dry and dress the child as soon as (s)he's out of the bath, to avoid him/her to be cold.

  • Make available the product you need to take care of him/her, like almond oil, talc or Q-tip.


If you have to clean a crying baby, try to reassure him/her while gently talking or singing a lullaby.

Some children don't want to go to the bath. To convince them you can use some bath games.


For the child to be comfortable and safe, don't forget these rules :


  • Be careful to the water temperature. In France, it's recommended giving bath to 37°C. In China, especially during the winter, temperature is usually around 40°C, try not to go over this limit. Check the temperature with a thermometer before to undress the child.

  • After the bath, dry the children, especially in the wrinkles to avoid maceration. Use a soft towel. Pat the skin rather to rub it, to avoid irritation.

  • Never let a child unsupervised while he/she's bathing.



Even if you're used to it, don't hesitate to ask the parents to guide you for the bath during the first days. Like that the child and you can get to know each other better.

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